Retail Marketing

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retail Marketing

We We Are The Right Place To Build Your Business

Retail marketing is the most important in ensuring the success of a local business, be it a standalone shop or a franchise of a big brand. It should be integrated with the overall marketing strategy of the brand while keeping in mind the needs of the local business unit.

  • Create powerful, automated funnels

  • Set up the rules then let the app do the work for you

  • Customize a subscriber’s path based on their actions

  • Always know what’s next for your subscriber

  • Send targeted content to the right people at the right time

  • Easily segment your audience based on their customer journey

Retail marketing

We Specialize in these

Brand Identity

Logos, Flyers, Hoardings

BTL Activities

RWA Camps, Mall Activations


Design & Execution

Integrated Campaigns

Connect with Digital Campaign to maximize gains

New Product Launch

Go to Market Strategy, Execution

Have questions in mind? let us help you.

The Marketing Kart

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